Ramblings on A Rough Christian Journey

Sometimes, we feel like we are at peace with how we or others see ourselves. But when those times come when that peace is put to the test, we get to ask many questions—ramblings when the journey gets rough.

Coping with Mental Health Struggles During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Living with a mood disorder while in this time of uncertainty is very challenging. Aside from the nagging thoughts about COVID-19, we are well aware that if we leave ourselves unguarded, our quite fragile emotional and mental defenses can easily break down and drag us to a downward spiral. The first week into the enhanced…

My Quest for Employment: Moving Beyond Bipolar Disorder

I usually thought I was late. Back in April 2011, I was a 23-year old Economics fresh graduate from U.P. Diliman wanting to make a mark in the world. But I was also struggling with the thought that many of the young people like me believe we can change the world by finding a job….

Depression: The Window for Helping

If there are essential moments worth remembering in one’s battle against depression, these are the moments with the people who helped. These were the great windows of opportunity devoted for helping.

Freedom of a Bipolar Mind

Independence Day. It makes me appreciate the freedom we now have. I am happy we can freely practice religion, freedom of expression, and have choices on what we can watch, buy, or wear. But it also reminds me of some moments when I felt I have lost my freedom. I was once a prisoner of…